Local Fence Marketing – How It Works

Step1: We Run a Foundation Blitz

Foundation Blitz

A comprehensive SEO strategy based on your site, competitors, and total addressable market.

It Includes:

  • Comprehensive Technical Audit
  • Page-Level Content Evaluation
  • Competitor Analysis
  • SEO Strategy with Actionable Steps
  • Consultation and Planning
  • Content Blitz

Using the SEO strategy we create in this blitz, we design page-level recommendations (content briefs) for your team or our writers.


Step2: We Run a GMB (GBP) Blitz

Local Service Providers need to dominate the maps. We analyze your Google Business Profile (formerly GMB) to find and fix gaps and push you to the top.

It Includes:

  • Maps Profile Audit
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Neighborhood Strategy
  • Copy Updates
  • Link Building Strategy


Step3: We Run a Content Blitz

Content Blitz

Our content briefs outline each piece of content needed in detail. No more guessing what content to write. No more writers block. (We also offer content writing!)

It Includes:

  • Content Evaluation
  • Keyword Research
  • Topic Mapping
  • Content Management and Support


Step4: We Run a Link Blitz

Link Building Blitz

Relevant backlinks from high-authority sites are crucial to your campaign performance. We can get them for you.

It Includes:

  • Backlink Profile Analysis
  • Link Building Strategy
  • Email Outreach and Link Negotiation
  • Acquisition Management + Tracking – using the data from your foundation blitz, we research link recommendations and build outreach campaign.


We run analytics to measure results and then repeat the Content, Link and GBP Blitzes as needed. There is no long-term contract, all the blitzes are done as one-offs that you just reorder as needed. Most client can get results in as little as 3-4 rounds and then go down to blitzes every other month or quarterly as needed to stay competitive in the top of the SERPs.

Local Fence Marketing – Helping Fence Companies Grow!